| Main Term | Secondary Term | Page Reference | Title |
| shelf brackets | | 25 | |
| Text Inspired by Victorian-era designs, these metal supports add instant charm to open shelving |
| tree fort | tree house | 40 | |
| Text Build a tree fort
Use specialty hardware designed to preserve the tree and a mix of lumber and branches to create a platform sturdy enough to support the wildest of imaginations |
| smart home | | 54 | |
| Text There are a lot of choices these days in the way of connected devices designed to save time and money around the house. Maybe too many. To help you sort through the mall, we’ve put together a menu of 5 starter kits tailored to different types of homes and homeowners — from a family of five in a century-old clapboard gem (left) to a couple hoping to retire soon to their beach-retreat vacation home. |