| Main Term | Secondary Term | Page Reference | Title |
| | | 6 | Reader Letters |
| Text
| | | 12 | WORKBENCH Solver |
| Text
| | | 16 | USE-TEST: Rosette and Wheel Cutters |
| Text
| | | 20 | WORKBENCH Basics: How to Sharpen Lathe Tools |
| Text
| | | 24 | 1930 Model A Ford Replica |
| Text
| | | 30 | Decorative Shelves for Under $15 |
| Text
| | | 34 | Customize a Countertop |
| Text
| | | 37 | Install a Separate Circuit for Your Microwave |
| Text
| | | 40 | Install a Bay Window |
| Text
| | | 46 | How to Replace and Install Vinyl Floor Tile |
| Text
| | | 48 | Maplewood Serving Board |
| Text
| | | 50 | Dual-Purpose Cutting Board |
| Text
| | | 52 | Utility Cart with Pull-Out Tray |
| Text
| | | 55 | Weighted Door Stop |
| Text
| | | 56 | Carved-Seat Stools |
| Text
| | | 58 | Turned Salad Bowl and Rakestwo projects for beginners |
| Text
| | | 62 | Serving Tongs |
| Text
| | | 63 | Wooden Meat Tenderizer |
| Text
| | | 64 | Classic Furniture Series No. 6: Queen Anne Side Table |
| Text
| | | 72 | Make Your Own Spoked Wheels |
| Text
| | | 74 | The WORKBENCH Guide to Air-Powered Tools |
| Text
| | | 82 | Smart Shop Storage Cabinet |
| Text
| | | 95 | WORKBENCH Basics: Spray-Finishing Tips |
| Text
| | | 96 | Crosscuts |
| Text